Wikipedia's Depression
There is a lot of great articles Wikipedia can offer in many languages and it is without a doubt the biggest on it's market.
Even with reports along the time of errors, span and even censure;
it's huge content kept Wikipedia as a must-have favorite for millions.
Yesterday I went to Wikipedia to ask for an update of a mistaken part
of an article and this was what I saw covering the entire top of the
Followed by this:
As a non-profit organization is their legitimate right to ask people
for donations of course, but like this, is almost saying: - Hey, pay us
or our service will give you adds or worst.
Just a PayPal's donate button isn't enough?
Wrong Way of Business
By doing this Wikipedia is showing the world users that it's not a free encyclopedia but a poor business planned organization that even being known worldwide can't raise funds from companies. Instead, they are trying to apply the in-app-purchase politics.
What is the Problem?
Wikipedia's survive and is feed by the worldwide community with gives information, moderation and more.
With this wrong business step, most users will stop to contribute freely since the organization itself showed instability over it's proposition of free on-line materials or even, how far the service will survive as it is.
Wrong Way of Business
By doing this Wikipedia is showing the world users that it's not a free encyclopedia but a poor business planned organization that even being known worldwide can't raise funds from companies. Instead, they are trying to apply the in-app-purchase politics.
What is the Problem?
Wikipedia's survive and is feed by the worldwide community with gives information, moderation and more.
With this wrong business step, most users will stop to contribute freely since the organization itself showed instability over it's proposition of free on-line materials or even, how far the service will survive as it is.
By Art Wellten