Operational Systems War
Before thinking about write this article I was happy with my Win7 for it's user friendly desktop, my GNU/Linux Mint 13 for development, Android for my Sony smart-phone and Apple's IOs for my tablet (or IPad).
For stranger it may seem, the comfort of having so many different
resources was given just and only for all options and tools one of those
could give exclusively on that platform.
Windows 10 Wave
Not blaming Microsoft, in fact they did what should be done to keep the competition for the market - with is to force the users around the globe to use just their products and services like Apple or Google on it's own way.
Not blaming Microsoft, in fact they did what should be done to keep the competition for the market - with is to force the users around the globe to use just their products and services like Apple or Google on it's own way.
With a fair price you can buy a Microsoft's Smart-Phone or Tablet and
it's bleak the future between Microsoft and Sony products with is
pointing for a new generation of laptops, computers and game consoles.
The Big Picture
Let's see some charts and facts to get a grip of what was going on in July 2015 regarding those systems:
Let's see some charts and facts to get a grip of what was going on in July 2015 regarding those systems:
we can see in this chart above is that Microsoft dominate the OS market
but with Windows 10 and the probable expansion of Microsoft own devices
and computers is a prediction that Google is about to do the same path
inverted and also, a response to Apple.
All this unification of services and products and the not so far future of new computers and devices lead us to know that there is a silent war going on and we are the ones who will decide between the easy way (giving away our identity and privacy) or the hard way using alternative systems like GNU/Linux and perhaps, save something private.
All this unification of services and products and the not so far future of new computers and devices lead us to know that there is a silent war going on and we are the ones who will decide between the easy way (giving away our identity and privacy) or the hard way using alternative systems like GNU/Linux and perhaps, save something private.
Corporations all over the world are giving two years before thinking
about implementing the new Windows 10 and Sony itself is discouraging
it's users to update till further instructions.
By Art Wellten